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- > From: "Maarten D. de Jong" <dejong@cpt6.stm.tudelft.nl>
- > I know it's been asked before here, but what happened to all the guys of
- > the first hour? Francois? The Fothergills? Richard Vanner?
- > Peter Hickman? Sandra Sharkey?
- One Lister said on the List several weeks ago that he traded e-mail with
- Francois, and F. said he still retained the AMOS rights, but had no plans.
- > I guess asking Europress to do so can't hurt. At least your
- > stuff is 'legal' then :-).
- Can't hurt, but several have talked to Europress and got nowhere.
- The Fothergills (Aaron) etc have disappeared many years ago, his AMOS club
- hadits extensions authorization removed about 4 years ago, and no further word.
- Brian Bell from Mr. AMOS Club still sells AMOS shareware in the UK, his ad
- appears from time to time in the UK coverdisk mags. If IüRÏDþ recall, all his
- products, Space Fighter, Charlie Chimp II, etc are in one package for about
- 10UK pounds.
- ÿ
- Mark Schultz, editor of AMOS Club USA is doing peecee stuff. When he folded
- the club many months ago he followed Bell's classy act, and returned any unused
- membership money. Good on yer, Mark.
- Jason Hutchins, Code Clinic editor and general wiz from Aussie AMOS club is
- doing mostly Amiga C and E, and will not touch a PC until "hell freezes over."
- He sent a cool dungeon engine (Wolfenstein clone) done in E.
- The Tuckers, editors of Totallly AMOS, declared all past issues of TA were
- hence PD when they folded (like Europress should do), still maintain the
- Library as far as I know. But they have moved to St. Lawrence Bay ... if you
- want their complete address let me know. Great job Annie ... love ya.
- The fantastic AMOSzine folded many months ago, and although the last editors
- have quit, the foundóÿvúF¡ing editor, Steve at F1, still maintains control. He
- sells the Pro Compiler with AMOS Pro upgrade for about 15 UKP. Lee Bamber, the
- main code wiz and wild man, took his portfolio of stuff to an interview at
- Europress, and landed a full time coding job on PC's. His departing article
- was a great laugh at the multitude of coding hassles on miserable PC's.
- Well, Gateway, who now owns the Amiga rights, is saying little about
- development, but they have a blurb on their web site at:
- http://biz.yahoo.com/news/gate.html
- Ah, the good ol' days ... are we now destined to become just a hobby group like
- the Atari guys? or will the Amiga reclaim the niche in graphics that it
- deserves?
- -Chris.
- --------------------------------
- Work: CEvans@bbs.multiboard.com
- Play: ChrisEvans@_ûcubic.xg.com
- --------------------------------
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- Email: chrisevans@cubic.xg.com <Chrisevans>